God is good ----- All the time!


Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service

by: Chaplain Che' Weber



God is good.

ALL the time!

We use this interactive phrase every Sunday. Sometimes several times. 

It's not just to see who's awake or engaged, but to put in our own heads the thought that is so necessary to remember 24/7/365:

God. --- He is real. Engages with us. Loves us. Cares for/about us. Is Real.

Is GOOD. --- Not just as opposed to "bad" or "evil," but He is the definition of GOOD. He is working HIS plan for the GOOD of HIS KINGDOM of which we are HIS children/subjects. He only allows what is best for the furtherance of HIS plans to bring about salvation for His creation. Even if we cannot understand or appreciate what is going on, God is still & remains GOOD.

ALL --- Not just occasionally, or when I like it, or sometimes, ALL is completely and totally and eternally.

The TIME. --- Not for me. Not for you. Not for them. His goal is bigger, wider and more universal than merely for individuals. YES, He cares for the individual. He proves that all the time. But HIs plan is beyond our full comprehension. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. We are loved but the universe does not revolve around us. Sorry if that bursts your bubble. But it is true.

God is good all the time. Thank GOD!! NO MATTER WHAT FORCES are arrayed against us, they are not sovereign, because God is. Evil does not triumph, because God does. The devil is defeated, and he is mad, so he is doing his worst, but GOD is GREATER.

Hold on. It's going to be a bumpy season. But keep reminding yourself of this truth and hold on tight to His hand. You are not alone when evil surrounds you, GOD is there, too. You will not drown in evil, even if you feel like evil is drowning you. Trust God. He is Good.

Keep looking up.

Maranatha, y'all.

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God is good.

ALL the time!

We use this interactive phrase every Sunday. Sometimes several times. 

It's not just to see who's awake or engaged, but to put in our own heads the thought that is so necessary to remember 24/7/365:

God. --- He is real. Engages with us. Loves us. Cares for/about us. Is Real.

Is GOOD. --- Not just as opposed to "bad" or "evil," but He is the definition of GOOD. He is working HIS plan for the GOOD of HIS KINGDOM of which we are HIS children/subjects. He only allows what is best for the furtherance of HIS plans to bring about salvation for His creation. Even if we cannot understand or appreciate what is going on, God is still & remains GOOD.

ALL --- Not just occasionally, or when I like it, or sometimes, ALL is completely and totally and eternally.

The TIME. --- Not for me. Not for you. Not for them. His goal is bigger, wider and more universal than merely for individuals. YES, He cares for the individual. He proves that all the time. But HIs plan is beyond our full comprehension. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. We are loved but the universe does not revolve around us. Sorry if that bursts your bubble. But it is true.

God is good all the time. Thank GOD!! NO MATTER WHAT FORCES are arrayed against us, they are not sovereign, because God is. Evil does not triumph, because God does. The devil is defeated, and he is mad, so he is doing his worst, but GOD is GREATER.

Hold on. It's going to be a bumpy season. But keep reminding yourself of this truth and hold on tight to His hand. You are not alone when evil surrounds you, GOD is there, too. You will not drown in evil, even if you feel like evil is drowning you. Trust God. He is Good.

Keep looking up.

Maranatha, y'all.

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